Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Inventories and the Lack There Of

I am still not quite used to living in the Midwest. We have been here 3 years, and it looks like we will be here for a while longer. We have made peace (somewhat) with that. It is only the beginning of March, and the extreme weather is beginning to worry me. Tornado sirens going off in the middle of the night, news reports of towns being destroyed, lives being lost, houses and memories - gone.

The next one could hit us, or our neighbors - our friends.

We have 17 years of stuff. Things that we have accumulated over time, with many moves and many memories. We have been weeding through some of these belongings, but there is still a LOT OF STUFF.

I need to do the following quote by William Morris much more artistically, and hang it somewhere in the house!

This past weekend reminded me that we have not done a full inventory of our household goods - ever. I realized that even if it seems like a herculean task, I need to it. And I think no matter where you live, everyone should do it! Tornado, flood, hurricanes or robberies can happen anywhere.

So, I looked at all of the different apps that Mac has available and found 2 that are going to help us inventory the house. Home Inventory Database and Librarian Pro. I probably could have just used the Home Inventory Database, but I decided it might be a bit easier to inventory the books with Librarian Pro.

And I have a LOT of books...

This is a picture of the bookcases in my office. Unfortunately I don't have a wide lens, so I can't get the entire shelf in view. Patrick cut off a few inches of one of the bookcases so that I could put them together on one wall. I really love having a wall of books. I just wish that the shelves went all the way to the ceiling! As you can tell, my books are a little crammed in here.

I still need to finish organizing the books, and I will... one of these days. Perhaps after I'm done with the inventory of the house.

Then we have 4, count them 4 bookcases like this one, 3 are mostly cookbooks, the fourth is cookbooks and other STUFF.

This is a close up view of 2 of the shelves, and some of my favorite cookbooks.

I wish that I could tell you that these were the only bookcases and shelves filled with books, actually - no I don't. I love my books. But they do become rather boring after a few pictures, and I don't want to bore you.

Now, I suppose I should go and continue on. If you need me, for anything in say, the next year - I'll be here, with crossed eyes and inventory on my brain!

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