Thursday, July 22, 2010

ZenJen's Dream Board

Sandy at Peaceful Daily says it best:
A vision board is a place where you keep everything that you want
to create in your life.

For several months now I've had the idea for a dream or vision board rolling around in my head. I've been thinking about what pictures and words that I needed to help me concentrate on what I want in life. I knew that a dream board would help me visualize these thoughts, and give me something to focus on while I was meditating. Or, I suppose I should say while I am trying to meditate because I'm not very good! Yet.

But, I never got down to the nitty-gritty and actually created one. I was going to create it the manual way - cutting out pictures and words that I liked and posting them to a board. Using my own calligraphy to write out words that would help me.

Words like Friends, Family, Strength, Travel, Peace...

But a few weeks ago, while reading my emails - I read about dream boards in my Peaceful Daily email. I enjoy getting these daily updates, and have used several of the ideas in my life. When I read that there may be an easier way to create a Dream Board, I was ecstatic. Then I saw that it was on Oprah's website, and I was not sure. I have a lot of respect and like Oprah, but I don't watch her show (I don't watch daytime television) and until today I had never visited her website. But I will say I was very impressed with how easy it was to create my own board. I didn't use any of my own personal pictures, but you can if you have them on your computer. I'm very happy with my first board, although I will probably use some of my own pictures, and calligraphy for my second board. I'm already thinking of making another with other goals and hopes!

I hope that you will make your own board, it is quick and easy at
O Dream Board. I look forward to seeing what dreams you have!

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