Monday, February 7, 2011

What is your greatest accomplishment?

I have been mulling over this question ever since I got off the phone with a good friend earlier today. She has recently moved back to her hometown, and her husband is in the process of finding a job. She was telling me all about her husband's interviews. At the end of our conversation she mentioned this strange question that the interviewer had for him. As a good husband he said that his greatest accomplishment was marrying her - big kudos to him! But it got me thinking about what my greatest accomplishment has been.

And I can't help but think that for me that is one very difficult question. I have always had big dreams, but I have a tremendous lack of will power to put them into motion.

I dropped out of college almost as soon as I began - although the dream of a doctorate in English literature is still there.

I want to speak French/Italian/anything other than just English fluently.

I sit at the computer and try to write that novel that is in my head. Yet... I just can't seem to put my thoughts and ideas into words.

Most people will say that their greatest accomplishment is their children, and I agree with that in most instances. But what about those of us who for any number of reasons has been unable to have children?

Patrick's answer is quite straightforward - 20 years in the Navy! For me, right now I think my answer is going to be simply surviving.

As I think about this seemingly easy question, I think of my friends and family, and wonder what other answers they might come up with.

So, I'm asking you...What is your greatest accomplishment?