I don't know about you, but lately I've been re-evaluating just about everything. I believe that my life has always been a work in progress, but for some reason now more than ever. I have never felt very comfortable with myself, physically or otherwise. I'm trying many different things, and one of them is that I joined Weight Watchers. I don't know if it has been apparent by the types of recipes I've posted recently, but I've been doing it for a few months now. I have lost 15 pounds so far. I still have a long way to go to where I would like to be, but it's O.K. I'm happy with how it is going.
We also may be moving, again. It is not definite, but it is a very real possibility. St. Louis was not originally in our thoughts as to where we would end up once Patrick retired from the Navy. So, moving is not a huge shock, but I did think we may be here for a bit longer than we have been! As always, I am excited for the new adventures awaiting us. However... I am not looking forward to moving only 9 months since our last move. In the last 14 years we have moved 7 times. It's always fun to live in new places, and experience new things. It's the actual moving I despise. The packing, organizing, the angry cats, finding a new home, and then the unpacking and trying to get everything in it's place.
We have collected so many objects and art from all of our travels, that we had over 11,000 pounds of, well, crap when we moved here. One of my many goals for the next month (HA, who am I kidding, next year) is to go through most of this stuff we have accumulated and to donate the things we do not need or want and throw away the things that no one else could possibly want. Sometimes I wish that I was one of those people who only had a few things and could move with a small moving truck. I've read several articles about the 100 Things Challenge. These people downsize their belongings to 100 articles. Some people have adjusted this a bit, and count a collection of say, books as 1 item. I know that I will never be able to downsize that much and truly I don't think I would want to downsize that much. I like my things too much, but I do think it is time to scale back and only keep the things that I need or love. There are some great articles and blogs out there about this, and the following are my favorites:
How to Live with Just 100 Things
The Art of Zen Living
Guy Named Dave's 100 Thing Challenge
I have been mulling over how to put into words some of the thoughts that are jumbling around in my head to end this particular writing, and nothing I type makes sense in the way that I was hoping. So, I found this quote that I thought was very apropos of both this blog and this tangent that my mind is on!
Every possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour. ~Arthur Schopenhauer